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A Useful Guide to Safeguarding in Martial Arts

The importance of safeguarding in Martial Arts cannot be overstated. Safeguarding is a critical and required process to ensure a safe environment for every student who chooses to attend your classes.

This guide aims to prepare you with the knowledge you need about safeguarding qualifications and ensure our Martial Arts community is as safe as it is strong.

Understanding the Role of a Martial Arts Instructor

Embarking on the path of teaching Martial Arts can mean taking on the role of a guardian of tradition, a teacher of life skills, and a character mentor. Instructors are tasked with the mighty responsibility of shielding their students from harm while fostering an environment as safe as it is empowering.

·         Creating a safe and inclusive environment ensures that the training space is a safe learning environment, delivering personal growth for all students.

·         Recognising your profound influence on a person’s development as a Martial Arts Instructor is critical.

The role of a Martial Arts Instructor extends far beyond mere physical training. It includes building a nurturing community where every member thrives and is protected and respected.

Safeguarding Qualifications for Martial Arts Instructors

Securing the correct safeguarding qualifications is not just a bureaucratic requirement; it's also an integral part of your teaching skills, demonstrating a commitment to the safety of your students and the integrity of your club.

So, what does it take to be not just an instructor but a sentinel for safety? First and foremost, obtaining Martial Arts safeguarding qualifications is a requirement in most parts of the world, including the UK. Protecting and promoting the welfare of every student should be your highest priority as an instructor or Martial Arts business owner.

How to Obtain Safeguarding Qualifications?

·         Research recognised organisations that offer safeguarding courses specifically tailored for Martial Arts Instructors.

·         Complete a course that covers the essential areas of safeguarding, including how to recognise and respond to signs of abuse and neglect.

·         Stay updated with the latest safeguarding practices by engaging in continuous professional development.

Getting higher safeguarding qualifications and accreditation from a qualified, reputable, and well-respected provider can also fundamentally improve how you approach teaching. With knowledge about working with children, you’ll not just instruct but inspire confidence and safety within your Martial Arts community; these qualifications can serve as a beacon, attracting parents who want the best for their children.

Many resources are available. Organisations such as Sport England Safeguarding Code for Martial Arts and the NSPCC offer courses and certifications tailored specifically for those starting to teach martial arts. National sporting bodies often have Martial Arts safeguarding requirements and can guide the steps to becoming a fully-fledged, safeguarding-savvy instructor.

Why Prioritise Safeguarding Qualifications?

·         It demonstrates professional integrity and dedication to student safety.

·         Enhances trust and communication with parents and guardians.

·         Ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards within the martial arts community.

MAGB are a recognised organisation with Safeguarding for Martial Arts, through a Sport England directive to support independent clubs with safeguarding.

child's Martial Arts journey

All MAGB customers have access to our safeguarding policies, which are already approved through Sport England, and we recommend that even if you have your safeguarding policies in place, you get certification through Sport England. It’s free, and they also put you on their map of approved clubs. We also have a full ‘Done For You Health & Safety Pack’, which is available to purchase whether you’re an MAGB customer or not.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team is here to help, and we are passionate about ensuring you have all the skills and guidance you need to help Martial Arts thrive, get in contact here to find out more about our H&S and Safeguarding Pack

Setting Up a Martial Arts Club with Safeguarding in Mind

If you're looking to start teaching Martial Arts and are ready to prepare your business for success, safeguarding should be one of your first tasks. Lay out the welcome mat for security:

1.    Begin with a robust safeguarding policy outlining clear procedures and conduct codes. This is your foundation.

2.    Ensure you and all staff undergo thorough background checks with Enhanced DBS checks for Martial Arts.

3.    Implement safety protocols, from emergency procedures to incident reporting. Consider talking to professionals such as MAGB about the best ways to prepare documents and communicate these with your students, parents and others involved.

Additionally, remember to make sure any legal requirements are met, checked, and even double-checked before you consider teaching a class.

Collaborating with Parents and Guardians

Remember, parents and guardians should be part of your decision-making process. Open communication is one of the best ways to ensure parents are allies in their child's Martial Arts journey. Parents and guardians can also help you monitor and ensure the child's physical and mental well-being.

·         Involve parents in discussions around safeguarding policies.

·         Encourage feedback on the club's safety measures.

·         Ensure transparency about the child’s progress and any incidents in which you need their support.

Best Practices for Safeguarding in Martial Arts

To ensure that your Martial Arts club is not only a hub of physical prowess but also the safe place it should be, here’s a helpful list of best practices:

·         Establish a clear policy on proper physical contact, ensuring all moves are respectful and necessary for discipline.

·         Promote an environment that champions appropriate behaviour, both in language and action, to maintain a respectful and supportive atmosphere.

·         Implement an open-door policy for concerns, allowing students to report discomfort without fear of retribution.

·         Regularly update safeguarding policies and procedures to reflect the latest best practices, legal requirements and, where appropriate, feedback from parents or guardians.

·         Engage in ongoing training for yourself, instructors, and staff to stay ahead of the curve in recognising and preventing potential safeguarding risks.

Maintaining these protocols can be.


Working with children in Martial Arts is one of the most rewarding careers. You essentially teach the next generation all the values, skills, and benefits Martial Arts can provide. Please remember that it does require an unwavering dedication to safeguarding. What to do next Certify with Sport England Safeguarding Code for Martial Arts – it is free Get in touch with MAGB for; A done for you Health & Safety for Martial Arts Pack Enhanced DBS checks Instructor Indemnity

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